ROMANTIC MUSINGS: Love in God’s Language

“We’re all connected by a silent thread.” ~George Leonard

I’m certain you are familiar with the adage: God is love.

But have we ever contemplated what that truly means?




The romantic will postulate that love is a feeling.

The secular will tell you that love is a chemical reaction tantamount to eating large quantities of chocolate.

The physicist will tell you that love is a mathematical equation, which has yet to be fully realized, but does exist in numbers, because math is the language of the universe…numbers being the alphabet.


Think about that word for a minute.

Essentially, it is a conjunction of two words…two letters, to be exact. The first two letters of the Hebrew alphabet: Alef = A, and Beit = B, yet it goes beyond 2 letters. For you see, the ancient Hebrews used the alphabet to represent numbers.

For example, A (Alef) = 1, B (Beit) =2

So, when we see the Hebrew word for father: AB it is added up for us to see 1+2=3

Now, take the Hebrew word for mother: HALM. Alef + Mem, in numerical values Alef = 1, Mem = 40, so 40+1=41.

Add 4+1 and you’ll arrive at a sum of 5.

Here’s where it gets interesting…

The Hebrew word for child is: YELEV (mind you, there were no vowels in the written word until the time of the Greeks centuries later) so this word was represented by the letters: YLV, which possessed numerical values of: 10+30+4=44.

So when you add the numerical value of father (3) with the numerical value of mother (41)…what do you get?

44 = child.

Add 4+4 and you will have a sum of 8.

Now, let’s look at the numerical value of the word for LOVE in Hebrew, which is Ahava and has a numerical value of 13.

Do you know what all these numbers have in common?

1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13…?

They are all apart of the Fibonacci sequence. A sequence of numbers that repeat a pattern evident in nature. Nature, a perfectly functioning entity that operates with such precision that it could not have been an accident.

Voltaire once said: “I cannot imagine how the clockwork of the universe can exist without a clockmaker.”

And I am inclined to agree!

For you see, when we consider the Creation myth with its 7-day theory and its immaculate garden, we find a uniquely hidden gift with numbers embedded in the tale.

Case in point, the word for the Garden of Eden: KADEM has a numerical value of 144 (Kuf-100+Deled-4+Mem-40)…

The numerical value for the Tree of Knowledge: AAT HA HAIM=233.

Once again, we see two more numbers (144 and 233) that also appear in the Fibonacci sequence.

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1,597…etc.

It serves to note that the Fibonacci sequence comes to us from the Italian mathematician born as Leonardo Bonacci. His name, coincidently is a conjugation of two words: filius Bonacci (son of the Bonacci), and he is known for his contribution to Western civilization by popularizing the Hindu-Arabic numerical system, and eventually introducing Europe to the pattern in nature evident in the Fibonacci sequence.

Now, when we apply Fibonacci’s numerical values to our understanding of the universe, we arrive at the conclusion that there is a pattern that cannot be denied.

For example, divide any sequential numbers in the Fibonacci sequence and you will arrive at the same value, or a similar value as a result.

233 divided by 144 will equal 1.618

377 divided by 233 will equal 1.618 (and a series of lesser numbers to follow)

987 divided by 610 will also equal 1.618 (and a series of lesser numbers behind the decimal)…

Continue with the sequence, and then continue to divide the larger number by the preceding smaller number and you will continue to arrive at the same value of 1.618

This number is special, because it represents the perfection in nature.

It is considered the perfect number.

Now, add those numbers up: 1+6+1+8 and you will arrive at the sum of: 16

Add 1+6 and you will have 7

Now, take the numerical value of the word HATE (114)…add those numbers to arrive at: 1+1+4=6

Subtract the world HATE from the word LOVE.






7 is the sum of the the perfect number added up into a single digit.

Is this mere coincidence?

In a universe where even Einstein postulated that God does not roll the dice, and there for there can exist no coincidence…well, I think not!


And so, if LOVE is all around us, and we believe that GOD is LOVE, then it stands to reason that this theory is supported by the numbers, the math, the language of the universe. I dare say math is the single thread that binds us all to one another.





4 thoughts on “ROMANTIC MUSINGS: Love in God’s Language

    1. Though I wish that were the case, my understanding is that his paper lays the groundwork for how scientists could eventually discover a parallel universe.

      It’s still exciting to think about because up until now there’s only been theories without anything tangible to go on.

      It is reminiscent, to me, of Darwin’s theory of evolution. It challenged what we understood about our existence and divided the world!

      In essence, both men will have provided us with the first steps onto a new path, but where it leads us is up to how we use the information they gave us.

      Liked by 1 person

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